Range Calendars
JMK Range Calendar
The Jim McKinley (JMK) Range is the 500m rifle range on the SSAA ACT Complex. This range is often referred to as the Main Range.
TOB Range Calendar
The Terry O'Brien Range is a 100m multi-purpose range on the SSAA ACT Complex. This range is often referred to as the TOB Range.
Crater Range Calendar
The Crater Range is another 100m multi-purpose range on the SSAA ACT Complex and is located adjacent to the TOB Range.
Main Club House Calendar
The Main Club House is located adjacent to the JMK Range. The club house contains toilets, showers, kitchen and fireplaces.
Air Shed Calendar
The Air Shed is an indoor air rifle and air pistol facility located between the TOB and SSPC ranges.
Top Ranges Calendar
The Top Ranges are a grouping of 3 multi-purpose ranges located at the very top of the SSAA ACT Complex.
Majura Park Gun Club Calendar
The Majura Park Gun Club is a shotgun club affiliated with the SSAA ACT and is located on the SSAA ACT Complex.
Sporting Shooters Pistol Club Calendar
The Sporting Shooters Pistol Club (SSPC) is a club affiliated with the SSAA ACT and is located on the SSAA ACT Complex.