SSAA ACT Conditions of Entry
- You are a financial SSAA member during business hours.
- Monday to Friday between 9am – 4pm you sign the Range Attendance Register at the JMK Rifle Range. Members attending scheduled shoots (as per the SSAA ACT or SSPC Calendars) should sign their Discipline Attendance book.
- You follow the posted SSAA ACT Inc Range rules.
- You pay the required Range fees – daily or annual, if attending the SSAA ACT JMK Rifle Range.
- You will only enter the complex after general hours if you are an approved member who holds a key and a valid range pass. Members must sign an out of hours attendance book. (located on all Ranges).
- Persons without a firearms license may only handle firearms under the immediate supervision of a SSAA ACT Firearms Instructor.
SSAA ACT Range – Conditions for After Hours Use
- These directions and guidelines apply to all SSAA ACT Ranges
- Members accessing ranges after hours must abide by the Conditions of Entry as posted on the front entrance gates and SSAA ACT website
- Members accessing ranges after hours must be an approved member who holds a key and valid Range pass
- The member(s) with a range key member takes all responsibility for the actions of their non-keyed members of their group.
- All members must sign the SSAA ACT Attendance book with their name, membership number, key number (if the member holds a key) and date
- Failure to follow After hours sign in procedures may result in confiscation or loss of range key.
SSAA ACT JMK Rifle Range Rules
- The Range Officer has full control over Range activities.
- The Range has a light system of red and green lights. When the red light is flashing there is to be no shooting, no handling of firearms. The range officer will close the range to all shooting with no handling of firearms and clear the range for people to go forward of the line to reset targets.
- When all shooters have returned to the Range, the Range Officer will then change the lights to green and shooting can commence.
- It is recommended that shooters wear ear and eye protection. All persons should wear appropriate covered footwear.
- You must be the holder of a current firearms licence to shoot on this range. Unlicensed persons can only shoot under the immediate supervision of a SSAA ACT Authorised Firearms Instructor.
- All Members and Visitors must report to Range Office. Members must provide SSAA membership details, sign the range attendance book and pay any fees required before taking firearms on to the range firing line area.
- Shooting is not to commence until the range is opened by the Range Officer.
- Smoking is not permitted on firing shooting pad or in designated reloading areas.
- Alcohols, or drugs causing impairment that compromise range safety, are not to be consumed or taken by a shooter prior to or during shooting.
- Any person, who refuses to comply with these rules, or a command given by a Range Officer, may be asked to leave the range by an SSAA ACT Inc. Range Officer or Official.
- Children and junior license holders must be under adult supervision at all times while on the SSAA ACT shooting complex. Children are not allowed on or near the firing line while the range is open to shooting unless they are licensed minors under appropriate supervision.
- Firearms are not to be handled in the carpark areas unless bagged or boxed and are being removed or replaced in vehicle.
- Firearms are to be removed from vehicles in a safe condition. Bolt removed where possible, action broken, action held open and magazine empty. Firearms are to be covered.
- Uncased firearms are to be carried to the storage rack or firing point with the muzzle pointed up in the air.
- All firearms on benches and in racks will be inspected by the Range Officer prior to a cease fire. Bags and cases must be opened to allow inspection by Range Officers.
- Firearms must be unloaded and the bolt removed (where possible) before removing the firearm from the firing line. Use of empty chamber flags is encouraged.
- Firearm malfunction must be reported to the Range Officer immediately.
- Adjustments to firearms that compromise range safety are not permitted behind the firing line (for example, adjustment of triggers, snapping actions testing the fit of ammunition).
- Handling or touching of firearms in any way is not permitted when the range is closed to shooting, except with the express permission and supervision of the Range Officer.